Stewardship Commitment Pledge Form

Please fill out the form and submit it. For questions and inquiries, reach out to Christie Forward at

Practicing Generosity

Dear Member,

We hope you will give prayerful consideration to making both financial and volunteer pledges this year in support of
this special place we call our church, Umphress Road United Methodist Church. Every pledge helps us grow our
spiritual and impactful programming for members, expand our children and youth ministries, and allows us to have a
greater impact on our community and the world.
God uses our giving to change the world for God’s purposes, and God uses our giving to reconfigure our lives and
change us.

Grace and Peace,
Rev. Kenneth Park
Senior Pastor


How Much Should I Give?

While you may not be able to participate in all our ministries and programs, your Stewardship pledge will
influence every single ministry in our church.
● Please consider making a commitment this year to give relative to your income.
● Using the chart below, find your annual income.
o Choose the percentage you are willing to give.
o See what chart shows on a weekly basis.
● Prayerfully consider making a commitment for that amount.

Pledge Form

Choose method of pledge


6 + 13 =

All shall give as they are able, according to the blessings of the Lord your God that he has given you.”

Deuteronomy 16:17


Contribution of Cash or Checks
Contributions of cash or checks are deductible by donors as charitable contributions under the current provisions of the
Internal Revenue Code. The Church will provide statements of actual contributions for the year for use by individuals in
documenting their charitable contributions on their individual income tax returns. Cash gifts are included in statements
to the extent the Church is able to identify the donor.